
Veille #Cybersécurité du 06/08/2014

Tout ce qu’il ne fallait pas manquer aujourd’hui dans votre veille #Cybersécurité. Bonne lecture ! —

Watching the Watchers: Tracking the Activities of the Chinese Cyber Spies

What if Google was an intelligence agency ?

Since 1998, Google has grown to become an essential part of the web infrastructure and took an important place in the daily lives of millions. Google offers great products, from search engine to video hosting, blogs and productivity services.

Dude, How Secure Is My Connected Car?

The driverless car may be here before we know it. A county in Iowa, wanting to be in the forefront of autonomous vehicles, has already passed a resolution to allow them on its streets, reports USA Today.

Code malveillant : Août, le mois des analyses pré-conférences

Est-ce dû à une relative période de calme liée aux trêves estivales ? Ou bien encore une volonté de redorer le blason du monde de la sécurité « commerciale », sérieusement terni en raison de ses longues années de myopie durant la période ante-Snowden ? Ou plus probablement une forme d

Android malware SandroRAT disguised as mobile security app

Researchers are again warning users to steer clear of app downloads from unvetted sources, particularly since new Android malware is making the rounds through phishing emails.

Change Doesn’t Have to be the Enemy of Security

Your network is constantly evolving through hundreds of changes per day. These changes can chip away at your security posture and any one of those changes could be the one that introduces a major security risk. Somewhere out there a hacker is coming up with new ways to access your critical data.

Ecrit le 04/08/14 à 10:29AfterWork de l’OSSIR Paris le mardi 23 septembre 2014

Le prochain AfterWork organisé par l’OSSIR Paris aura lieu le mardi 23 septembre 2014 à partir de 19h00 à l’adresse suivante : Bar « La Kolok »20 rue du croissant 75002 Paris Exceptionnellement lors de cette soirée, chaque adhérent (à jour de sa cotisation) pourra venir accompagné d’un invit

The Science Behind DDoS Extortion

So goes the adage that usually accompanies ransom-based cyber-attacks.

Inside the Backdoor Techniques Used in Advanced Attacks

Disrupting a network is one thing; maintaining access and controlling computers is another. That second part requires creating backdoors, which have become vital parts of cyber-attack campaigns.

How Malware Writers Cheat AV Zero-Day Detection

A researcher reverse engineers AVG’s code emulation engine after easily bypassing other major antivirus software products. As an experiment, Kyle Adams wrote what he describes as « ridiculously obvious » malware that most major antivirus products ultimately failed to detect.—threats/how-malware-writers-cheat-av-zero-day-detection/d/d-id/1297771

Planes Can Be Hacked Via Inflight Wi-fi, Says Researcher

63340645 story wired_parrot writes In a presentation to be shown Thursday at the Black Hat conference, cybersecurity consultant Ruben Santamarta is expected to outline how planes can be hacked via inflight wi-fi.

Israel Targets Hamas Cyber Warfare

Israel has sought to halt Hamas’ cyber warfare campaign. Military sources said Hamas and its allies have engaged in daily cyber attacks against critical facilities in Israel. They said targets have included Israel’s government, military and financial institutions.

Cryptographie et Djihadisme

Depuis longtemps, Al Qaeda (AQ) utilise des technologies de cryptographie pour sécuriser ses communications.

toolsmith – Threats & Indicators: A Security Intelligence Lifecycle

*borrowed directly from my parent team, thanks Elliot and Scott Prerequisites Microsoft .NET Framework, Version 3.5 or higher for IOCe Python 2.

War Ram – Cyberespace et cybersecurite – Juillet Aout 2014

Document Transcript Do you want to play a game? Film culte, W ar Games met en scène un jeune hacker qui sans le vouloir se met à « jouer » avec un ordinateur surpuissant contrôlant les missiles nucléaires.

FireEye, Fox-IT launch free service to combat Cryptolocker ransomware

FireEye and Fox-IT have launched a free tool to assist victims of the CryptoLocker ransomware. Announced on Wednesday, the new service, dubbed DecryptCryptoLocker, is available for free to assist those impacted by the CryptoLocker ransomware.

Dragonfly/Havex Reference Material

The following material was compiled from a variety of relability sources, and contains information covering the various aspects of the Dragonfly/Energetic Bear campaign and the Havex trojan directly and indirectly targeting industrial control systems.

Des pirates informatiques russes auraient volé plus d’un milliard de mots de passe

Le quotidien tire ses informations de chercheurs de la société de sécurité informatique Hold Security. A l’en croire, les pirates ont réussi à avoir accès à quelque 500 millions de comptes e-mail.

With Operation Torpedo, FBI infects Tor websites with “drive-by” spyware to identify visitors (Kevin Poulsen/Wired)

Enter Techmeme snapshot date and time:

Separating Cybersecurity Hype from Reality

LAS VEGAS — The big players in the global information-security industry are intermingling with computer hackers this week at the annual Black Hat conference in Las Vegas.

The Dilemma of PCI Scoping – Part 2

In Part 1 I discussed how isolation is an answer, but probably not a viable answer for almost all but the most security conscientious of organizations such as the military, defense contractors or those that can afford that sort of painstaking luxury.–Part-2-.html

In supersecret cyberwar game, civilian-sector techies pummel active-duty cyberwarriors

When the military’s top cyberwarriors gathered last year inside a secretive compound at Fort Meade, Maryland, for a classified war game exercise, a team of active-duty troops faced off against several teams of reservists. And the active-duty team apparently took a beating.

Former NSA Director Defends His New For-Profit Cyber Consulting Form

WASHINGTON — The recently retired director of the National Security Agency is defending his bid to develop a new cybersecurity model for paying clients, saying his approach doesn’t derive from work he did for the government.

Fiesta Exploit Kit Starts Delivering a Double Payload

The Fiesta exploit kit has apparently learned a new trick, and is dropping two pieces of malware on unsuspecting victims’ machines. “A few days ago, we began noticing a strange new pattern with the Fiesta exploit kit.

IcoScript RAT Hides Behind Yahoo! Email Addresses

A classic remote administration tool (RAT) dubbed IcoScript has been discovered, after going undetected since 2012.

Un rapport du Sénat favorable au bitcoin et aux monnaies virtuelles

Des jetons représentant des pièces de bitcoins.

NSA – temps de faire le (premier) point.

En 1988, le journaliste Duncan Campbel révèla l’existence d’un programme de renseignement, Echelon, dans un article pour The New Statesman qui s’intitulait « Somebody’s listening ».

How to foil SynoLocker and minimize the damage

We wrote on Monday warning about Synology NAS users being targeted with SynoLocker, a customized version of the Cryptolocker ransomware, which encrypts the files contained on the devices and asks 0.6 BitCoin ($350) for the decryption key.

Deep Panda has Changed its Preferred Targets – CrowdStrike reported during first week of July 2014 stating that security researchers of CrowdStrike have observed a change in preferred targets of cyber-espionage group of Deep Panda which the company puts among the invasion group sponsored by most advanced state.—CrowdStrike-2014080517289/ — Vous pouvez également vous abonner à cette veille #Cybersécurité via un flux RSS dédié :

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