
Veille #Cybersécurité du 22/07/2014

Tout ce qu’il ne fallait pas manquer aujourd’hui dans votre veille #Cybersécurité. Bonne lecture ! —

Talk on cracking Internet anonymity service Tor canceled

SAN FRANCISCO, July 21 (Reuters) – A highly anticipated talk on how to identify users of the Internet privacy service Tor was withdrawn from the upcoming Black Hat security conference, a spokeswoman for the event said on Monday.

Exploit Dealer: Snowden’s Favourite OS Tails Has Zero-Day Vulnerabilities Lurking Inside

Researchers have warned of critical unpatched flaws in the privacy-focused operating system Tails, which was made famous by global surveillance whistleblower Edward Snowden.

Money is pouring into cybersecurity startups : Jul. 21, 2014

Online privacy is on the tips of everyone’s tongues these days, and investors are rushing to pour money into cybersecurity startups. Venture capital firms are expected to funnel $788 million into early-stage cybersecurity startups this year.

Kim Philby, Spies, and the Dangers of Paranoia

When Kim Philby decided that he wanted to join the British Secret Intelligence Service, he “dropped a few hints here and there,” as he later recalled, and waited patiently. Philby had attended Trinity College, Cambridge, and his father had been in the Foreign Service. He had the right accent.

Obama Adviser on Cybersecurity: Limit Cyber Capabilities, Regulate Sometimes

By the reckoning of a new report by the left-leaning Center for New American Security, we screwed it up from the start when designing the architecture of digital computing — security just wasn’t drawn into those original blueprints. Now we have to live with it.

Haunted by APT

Over the past decade, APT have intensely targeted organizations and individuals across India.

Security vendor hype can backfire

Hype can do long-term damage to vendor reputation, study finds.,security-vendor-hype-can-backfire.aspx

How genealogy data can lead to identity theft · The Privacy Blog

Irish Data Protection Commissioner Billy Hawkes has stepped in to have a database of civil registration records removed from the website The problem is that the database contains information on living persons which is often used for identity verification.

Almost everyone involved in developing Tor was (or is) funded by the US government

“The United States government can’t simply run an anonymity system for everybody and then use it themselves only. Because then every time a connection came from it people would say, “Oh, it’s another CIA agent.” If those are the only people using the network.

De L’évolution du métier de RSSI

Podcast sur l’évolution du métier de RSSI

Microsoft in Talks to Buy Israeli Cybersecurity Firm Aorato

Microsoft Corp. is in talks to acquire Israel-based cybersecurity startup Aorato Ltd., according to a person familiar with the matter, who said the deal was worth around $200 million and could close within the next two months.

Cybersecurity firms among top recipients of venture funding in Maryland

This is a portrait of James C. Foster is the co-founder and CEO of ZeroFox, a cybersecurity company that provides social risk management. Maryland companies raised $64 million in venture capital funding this spring, with some of the biggest payouts flowing to Baltimore cybersecurity startups.,0,5223453.story

Israeli hi-tech firm to launch Energy Cyber Security Center

In a world where web-based hacker attacks have reached far beyond lifting personal credit card information, a Herzliya- based firm is preparing to launch a first-of-its-kind Energy Cyber Security Center this fall.

Q&A: Marcin Kleczynski, CEO of Malwarebytes, on cybersecurity and startups

SAN JOSE — At 14, Marcin Kleczynski accidentally downloaded a virus into his parents’ computer, which was supposed to have been protected with anti-virus software. So he set about to understand how something like that could happen and launched his career in one of the tech industry’s hottest areas. — Vous pouvez également vous abonner à cette veille #Cybersécurité via un flux RSS dédié :

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